Focal themes and associated Elective Courses

Language and Literature Understanding India Perspectives in Psychology Social Stratification & Communities History & Politics
South Asian Fiction Imagining India Perception & Experience Economic Development Paradox of Indian Democracy
English Lit. in English Translation Paradox of Indian Democracy Emotion & Cognition Introduction to Social Epidemiology India on the verge of Colonialism
Survey of World Lit. and Literary Theory Introduction to India’s Musical Traditions Organizational Behavior Population & Society Current Affairs
Urdu Script & Poetry South Asian Fiction Philosophy of Mind Business ethics Technological progress and human values
French Studies English Lit. in English Translation Introduction to Cognition Causal inference: How do we know that X causes Y? Democracy & Mass Mobilization
India on the verge of Colonialism New Media Studies Democracy & Dissent
History of India through Cinema Anthropology in the 21st century: Themes, debates, challenges. History of Science and Technology